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Devotional Books

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Cover of Seeing the Power of Your Words devotional book

★ Discover the Power of Positive Speaking ★


Seeing the Power of Your Words is a quick daily devotional with the potential for massive impact over 30 days. The daily readings, prayers, and activities help you pro-actively:


✓ Choose your words more carefully.


✓ Shift the emotional atmosphere around you.


✓ Enhance all your most important relationships – with God, yourself, and others.

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Seeing the Power of Your Words

★ Experience All of God’s Benefits ★


Walking in God’s Benefits is a quick daily devotional with the potential for enormous results over 30 days. The daily readings, prayers, and activities help you pro-actively:


✓ Choose to speak positively about God’s benefits.


✓ Expand your faith to embrace God’s blessings.


✓ Possess God’s promises in every area of your life - spiritual, physical, and financial.




Cover of Walking In God's Benefits devotional book
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Walking In God's Benefits
Choosing to Overcome Your Fears
Cover of Choosing to Overcome Your Fears devotional book

★ Don't Stay Bound by Fear ★


Choosing to Overcome Your Fears is a quick daily devotional with the potential for incredible outcomes over 30 days. The daily readings, prayers, and activities help you pro-actively:


✓ Shift the emotional atmosphere from fear to faith.


✓ Commit to desiring a positive faith-based mindset.


✓ Embrace God's will in every area of your life - spiritual, mental, and financial.




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Embracing Your Godly Authority

★ Grab Hold of Your Authority ★


Embracing Your Godly Authority is a quick daily devotional with the potential for extraordinary outcomes over 30 days. The daily readings, prayers, and activities help you pro-actively:


✓ Discern what aspects of Godly authority are available to you.

✓ Avoid common pitfalls that weaken your authoritative stand.

✓ Experience manifested authority in all areas of your life - spiritual, mental, and financial.



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Cover of Embracing Your Godly Authority devotional book
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